What's The Cost Of Your Distraction?


How we define what's around us, defines us. We see who we are, not what is.

Too tutti-fruity metaphysical? Here's one way our limitations limit us.

Overheard executive voice. "Everyday I'm #&%'ing here when I should be working there just #&%'ing kills me. Am just so#&%'ing distracted here. These interviews are taking forever and my focus sucks. I don't know but I don't think it's showing up in my stuff."

Here's where our metaphysical rubber meets the road of reality. When we define "here" as a geo-centric location rather than a state of mind, we'll always be elsewhere inside our head and distracted. Think about it. Hold that thought if you can.

How often are you honest and mindful enough to simply being present and focused where you are, rather than distracted off and into somewhere else?

If this ain't too airy-fairy and makes some sense to you, here's 10 things you can do to reconcile yourself with your monkey-mind of distraction;

  1. Expand your frame of reference for what it means to "be here."
  2. Remember how we define ourselves in any moment defines us.
  3. Practice contentment. Sound easy? Try it, for more than 15 seconds.
  4. Practice being swept into focus rather than swept up into distraction.
  5. Act intentionally. Who you are shows up in your stuff more than you think.
  6. Reconcile distraction by reconciling your in-and-out breaths.
  7. Identify more with the calm eye of the storm than the storm around you.
  8. Remember contentment requires disciplined attention inward not outward.
  9. Want to be more honest and authentic? Be present, right where you are.
  10. Understand stimulation is dope. It thrills but also fatigues.

Fundamental restlessness, fundamentally disturbs. Clouds thinking. Impairs judgement. Impacts results. Limits outcomes.

Being mindfully present increases concentration. Powers clarity. Brings focus. Grows inner strength. Eliminates excuses. Ends victim mind. Enables us to lead ourselves rather than, being lead by swirling, surrounding distractions.

Our focus defines us. Defines how we see ourselves, how we see others and how others see us. Our focus or lack of it, definately show all up in our stuff. 

What's the cost of your distractions? Actually calculate it. Punch the numbers. The actual time + dollar cost to you. Personally. Professionally. You know.

Are the metaphysics I'm dishing up here, still . . . too tutti-fruity?